Fauchon The Mag

Discover the FAUCHON house through its Mag space which will allow you to discover the FAUCHON identity through its articles dedicated to their expertise, their emblematic recipes, their news, their excellent products but also to inform about the services offered by the Parisian emblem.

Our articles

Why offer personalized gift boxes?

Why offer personalized gift boxes? Finding the perfect gift often takes time. To please a loved one, choosing a personalized gift box is increasingly popular. This option allows you to quickly put together a personalized box for the recipient, while giving you access to a wide select...

The legendary tea One Christmas Eve FAUCHON

The holiday season is the perfect opportunity to delight your loved ones by giving them gourmet gifts.

How are macarons made?

The macaron, a delicate symphony of textures and flavors, is an invitation to the excellence of French pastry.

Recette Cocktail « Hors Piste »
“Off-Piste” Cocktail Recipe

Each sip is an invitation to rediscover the holiday spirit, with a touch of boldness and indulgence, enhanced by gold leaf and dried lemon.

Recette Ceviche de Daurade au Thé vert Citron & Gingembre
Recipe for Sea Bream Ceviche with Green Tea, Lemon & Ginger

It is a creation where the simplicity of flavors meets the audacity of associations.

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Pot de départ : comment l’organiser ?

Pour un pot de départ réussi, célébrez ce moment avec vos collègues en organisant un buffet raffiné où se mêlent des boissons élégantes et des mets gourmands, tout en savourant des instants inoubliables grâce aux créations Fauchon.

Le thé FAUCHON et ses instants de dégustation
Le thé FAUCHON et ses instants de dégustation

LE THÉ FAUCHON ET SES INSTANTS DE DÉGUSTATION Cet automne, FAUCHON célèbre le thé ! Depuis 1886, un esprit d’avant-garde conduit FAUCHON à ouvrir la voie à une approche Française des thés. Pures d’abord, puis parfumés dès 1960, avec la volonté de sublimer une merveille venue d’ailleurs ...

Birthday gift: why give chocolate?

Giving chocolate for a birthday is offering a gourmet and refined experience, full of sweetness and memories.

Create your own boxes for exceptional gifts

Personalize your box
Differences between herbal tea, tea and infusion: what you need to know

Herbal tea, tea and infusion, although often confused, differ in their composition and method of preparation.

Everything you need to know about tea culture

Tea leaves are harvested using several methods, such as fine plucking, where only the first two leaves and the bud are harvested.

Recette blanquette de veau truffée et riz pilaf
Recipe for truffled veal blanquette and pilaf rice

Every detail in the preparation of a truffled veal blanquette is a symphony of flavors.

Everything you need to know about the difference between terrine and pâté

Pâté and terrine are pillars of French gastronomy.

Cocoa cultivation: where does chocolate come from?

COCOA CULTURE: THE COCOA TREE, THE TREE WITH MAGIC BEANS Cocoa production is a very long and fascinating process, which we owe to a tree called the cocoa tree. This tropical species must be very well maintained in order to produce these famous cocoa beans that we then transform into...