8 garnitures de crêpes sucrées pour une Chandeleur d’exception

8 sweet crepe fillings for an exceptional Candlemas

Reading time: 2 à 3 minutes


Every year, on February 2nd, 40 days after Christmas, a highly anticipated celebration for gourmets is held: Candlemas. For Christians, it commemorates the presentation of the baby Jesus at the Temple. But Candlemas is a tradition that transcends beliefs and brings people together around a monument of our culinary culture: the crepe. Popular, traditional, gastronomic, comforting and sometimes disconcerting, the crepe has more than one string to its bow to amaze your guests at the end of winter. Here are 8 ideas for sweet crepe fillings for an unforgettable Candlemas.

The great classics of Candlemas

This winter celebration is above all the perfect opportunity to share a moment with family around a delicious sweet homemade crepe with familiar flavors, with simple recipes that we never tire of.

The butter-sugar crepe

This essential part of Breton culture is an unfailing success every Candlemas. The butter-sugar crepe, traditionally prepared with salted butter and not unsalted butter, is a delicious and easy recipe to make. Despite its simplicity, the greatest chefs praise it for one simple reason: it lets the crepe express itself. To restore all its nobility to the butter-sugar crepe, choose an artisanal molded butter, salted or semi-salted according to your preferences, and a blond or brown sugar that you just melt slightly as soon as the crepe is cooked.

Pancake with jam

What could be better than a pancake to reveal all the sweetness of a jam? To enjoy this incomparable combination, you are free to opt for a classic fruit jam (raspberry, strawberry, apricot, blueberry, bitter orange, etc.) or to indulge in more surprising recipes: apricot, flaked almonds, tonka bean and cinnamon, milk jam, rose petal confit, etc.

Lemon pancake

The lemon crepe, fresh and incredibly simple, is also one of the great names of Candlemas. It can be prepared by drizzling the crepe with lemon juice and sprinkling a little sugar on top, but it can easily be made into a more elaborate version if you feel like it. Put the zest of one lemon in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Drain and brown the juice of two lemons with 75 g of sugar in a large frying pan, then add the zest. Brown the crepes in the sauce one by one and serve immediately.

Chocolate crepe

The chocolate crepe is nothing more than a one-way ticket to our earliest childhood. It can take different forms: spread, melted chocolate, chocolate coulis, chocolate shavings… It can also be garnished with ice cream, whipped cream, flaked almonds, coconut according to taste… It's up to you to compose the crepe that will bring you comfort and tenderness with each bite.

Salted Butter Caramel Pancake

Two Breton specialties are in the spotlight in this iconic Candlemas recipe. To enjoy these infinitely delicious flavors, nothing could be simpler. All you need is a crepe and a salted butter caramel spread. Discover salted butter caramel in its finest form with Fauchon's salted butter caramel and Madagascar vanilla cream.

A Candlemas like no other

Candlemas is also an opportunity to discover the crepe in a new light. Here are some recipes for original fillings for Candlemas.

Frangipane crepe: Epiphany and Candlemas combined

Have you ever thought about combining the frangipane from the galette des rois with the crepe de la Chandeleur? To do this, lightly toast 150 g of almond powder in a pan, then remove from the heat. Mix the cooled almond powder with 150 g of icing sugar, then add 125 g of softened butter and a beaten egg. Some people will like to flavor it all with a dash of rum. Spread the mixture on your crepes, roll them up, place them in a buttered dish and add a final touch of icing sugar on top. Bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. It's ready!

Dark chocolate & coconut crepe

The marriage of coconut and chocolate is not new. For Candlemas, try it in a hot-cold version with a scoop of coconut ice cream drizzled with a 70% dark chocolate sauce. Serve immediately before the ice cream melts under the effect of the chocolate!

Pear & chestnut cream crepe

To make this recipe between undergrowth and clearings, you will need chestnut cream jam, a small winter pear per person, a little sugar, a little butter, and of course, delicious wheat pancakes. Wash, peel and cut the pears into thin slices, then brown them on each side in the pan. Sprinkle with sugar at the end of cooking. Spread your pancakes generously with chestnut cream, then arrange the pears on half of each pancake. Fold, serve and enjoy!


Pour accompagner vos crêpes

Des recettes audacieuses et artisanales FAUCHON

Découvrir nos confitures

Yes, FAUCHON jams are prepared in a traditional way with a traditional know-how. Each batch is carefully concocted, using artisanal methods to preserve the authentic taste of the fruits. Thanks to a gentle cooking with cane sugar and copper cauldron, the fruits and juices that make up our jams retain all their flavor and never lose their superb. In addition, FAUCHON jams are designed without preservatives or artificial additives. They are prepared from natural ingredients, offering authentic flavors and preserving the quality of the fruits used.

The FAUCHON mini-jam box is ideal for the most curious gourmands who would like to discover several flavors of jams at once. Thanks to this box, you will be able to taste a varied selection of jams in mini-pots of 28g, among which you will probably find one or more favorites, which you will have the leisure to get in larger format (365g, 220g or 245g) during your next purchases.

FAUCHON jams can be enjoyed in various ways throughout the year. They can be combined with rusks and gourmet breads for tasty breakfasts, use them as an amenity to add a fruity touch to your desserts, or in a sweet - salty combination, with a cheese board for example.