“Fauchon Le Club” CGU

Rules of the “Fauchon le Club” loyalty program

1. Preamble

1.1. The company FAUCHON, (hereinafter the “FAUCHON”), a simplified joint stock company with capital of €2,000,000, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 326 315 462, whose head office is located at 8 rue Volney – 75002 Paris intra-community VAT number: FR 88 326 315 462, contact : contact form a created and manages a loyalty program “FAUCHON Le Club” intended for its customers domiciled in Europe (hereinafter the “ Program FAUCHON The Club »).
1.2. This Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the “ Regulations ") aims to establish the terms of membership and operation of the FAUCHON Le Club Program. Any person requesting membership of FAUCHON Le Club is deemed to have read and accepted these Regulations without reservation.

2. Object

The FAUCHON Le Club Program is valid only for purchases made on the website www.fauchon.com (hereinafter the “FAUCHON Website”) and in all physical FAUCHON stores in France (excluding physical or digital resellers).

The FAUCHON Program The Club allows its members (hereinafter the “ Member(s) ”) to accumulate points in order to benefit from advantages, services and/or offers proposed by FAUCHON which vary according to their status in accordance with the provisions of articles 5 and 6 of these Regulations.

3. Membership

3.1. Membership is open to any adult natural person (18 years and older) domiciled in Europe. It is not possible to open a loyalty account in the name of a legal entity (company, professional organization, association, etc.). However, purchases made by a natural person Member in a professional context may be credited to the Member's account.

3.2. Only one membership application per person will be considered. FAUCHON may request at any time any document to prove the address and identity of the person wishing to subscribe or having subscribed to the FAUCHON Le Club Program, particularly in the event of homonymy.

3.4. Registration for the FAUCHON Loyalty Club Program is free and is offered in French shops and on the FAUCHON Website in the tab provided for this purpose or when purchasing products made on the FAUCHON Website. To join the FAUCHON Le Club Online Program, the Member must create an account on the FAUCHON Website , read and accept the Payment by checking the box provided for this purpose .

3.5. Registration forms containing incomplete or incorrect data will not be taken into account. The Member is responsible for the accuracy of the data he provides when registering and must inform FAUCHON, as soon as possible, of any changes to You can give this information by telephone on 01 70 39 38 00 or via the contact form : contact form . The Member may also modify their personal information directly in their customer account on the FAUCHON website or on request in store.

3.6. Once the registration is validated, the Member will be assigned a membership number. The Member can obtain his membership number by logging into his account customer on the FAUCHON website or upon simple request to customer service by providing your name, first name and email address or mobile number or postal address.

3.7. Membership in the FAUCHON Le Club Program implies acceptance of these Rules by the Member. Once membership has been validated, the Member will receive a welcome email at the email address provided from which they will be able to consult these Rules.

4. Personal data

4.1. Registration for the FAUCHON Le Club Program requires the Member to provide the information listed below.
The following fields, marked with an asterisk (*), must be completed when registering:

First name

The Member will also be invited, if he so wishes, to communicate to FAUCHON the following information (which is optional and not do not condition membership in the FAUCHON Le Club Program) his telephone number so that FAUCHON can inform him of exclusive offers, if he has agreed to receive offers by text message.

4.2. The information collected during membership and use of the FAUCHON Le Club Program is processed by FAUCHON services, intended for:

take into consideration memberships and manage the FAUCHON Le Club Program;
communicate to the Member information and commercial and promotional offers on the FAUCHON network, in this case the processing of the Customer's personal data will only be carried out with his express consent unless the Member has already purchased products in a store of the FAUCHON network and/or on the FAUCHON Website (it being specified that the Member may, at any time, decide to withdraw his consent by sending an email to the following address dpo@fauchon.fr and/or by writing to the FAUCHON head office.)

Information relating to the processing of Member data is contained in the Data Protection Charter available here.

4.3. In accordance with the applicable regulations regarding the protection of personal data (arising in particular from the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data which came into force on 25 May 2018 and the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended), the Member has:

-a right of access, rectification, erasure and portability of their personal data,
-of a right to limit the processing of their data,
-a right to object to the processing of their data and their use for commercial prospecting purposes,
-of a right to define guidelines relating to the fate of their post-mortem data,
-of a right to object to the carrying out of profiling measures,
-a right to withdraw consent at any time for processing based on the collection of such consent,

which he can exercise by sending a letter to the following postal address: FAUCHON – Protection of Personal Data – 8 rue Volney – 75002 Paris or by email to dpo@fauchon.fr , attaching proof of identity.
The Member may also file a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties ("CNIL").

5. Acquisition of loyalty points and statuses

5.1. The Member can accumulate points in the following cases:

-for each purchase made on the FAUCHON Website and in our partner stores in France, according to the following scale: one (1) euro including tax spent gives the right to one (1) loyalty point credited (1 euro including tax = 1 point);
-when the Customer benefits from certain “Birthday Gift”, “Double Points for Christmas” and “Double Points for Easter” Advantages under the conditions described in Article 6 below.

5.2. The accumulation of loyalty points is triggered from the date of joining the FAUCHON Le Club Program.

5.3. The points accumulated are valid for a period of one year from the date of purchase that allowed them to be accumulated. Consequently, the points will expire and the Member will no longer be able to benefit from them 12 months after their validation on the Member's account. For example, the Member accumulates 30 points for an order placed on April 1, 2021 and 50 points for an order placed on June 30, 2021; the 30 points accumulated on April 1, 2021 will expire on April 1, 2022 and the 50 points accumulated on June 30, 2021 will expire on June 30, 2022.

5.4. The points accumulated allow the Member to reach different statuses of the FAUCHON Le Club Program and to benefit from the offers, advantages and discounts relating to his status under the conditions described in Article 6 below. The FAUCHON Le Club Program has the following three statuses:

“Card - Amateur”: for Members with 0 to 249 Points
“Card - Initiate”: for Members with 250 to 1199 Points
“Card - Passionate”: for Members with more than 1200 Points

The Amateur Card, the Initiate Card and the Enthusiast Card are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “ Maps ".
The Cards are dematerialized, no physical cards will therefore be given to Members.
The Member changes status - and therefore Card - as soon as he reaches the number of accumulated points corresponding to a status. The transition from one status to another can be ascending or descending. The Member will be informed of their status change by email.

5.5. The Member may, at any time, view the loyalty points balance in the “My Account” area of ​​the FAUCHON Website or request the balance in store from a sales advisor. This balance is updated within 24 (twenty-four) hours after each purchase.

5.6. In the event of cancellation of an order placed on the website , the points acquired when placing said order , will be deducted from the total number of points accumulated by the Member.

6. Offers, benefits and discounts

The offers, benefits and discounts granted will depend on the nature of the Card held by the Member.

6.1. Principles common to all Cards

The offers, benefits and discounts enjoyed by Members are personal, non-transferable and valid only on the FAUCHON website and in our partner stores.
To benefit from this, the Member must be logged into their personal space when making a purchase on the FAUCHON Website or provide their contact details in store. In the absence of authentication, the offers/advantages/discounts will not be reassigned subsequently.
Certain offers, benefits or discounts have a limited validity period; FAUCHON undertakes to provide information on the validity period of the offers, benefits or discounts available in the Member's personal space.
An email will also be sent to the Member each time he benefits from a new advantage. This email will include the conditions of use of said advantage and, where applicable, its validity period.
Exchanges and refunds concerning products which have given rise to the application of a discount within the framework of the FAUCHON Le Club Program will be made at the price actually paid by the Member (i.e. at the price reduced by the corresponding discount).

6.2. The Amateur Card

The Amateur Card allows its holder to benefit from the following advantages and offers:

Welcome offer: The welcome offer allows the Member to benefit from a €10 discount on their next purchase made on the FAUCHON Website or in a partner store from €35 of purchase (excluding use of a gift card). Your welcome offer will be awarded to you 10 days after your membership in the loyalty program, upon receipt of the award email. To benefit from it, the Member must enter the code communicated by FAUCHON by email (newsletter) or in their customer account when finalizing their order. This offer is valid once and has a validity period of three months. The Member will therefore no longer be able to benefit from the Welcome Offer after the three-month period following the award of their benefit.

Amateur Birthday Gift: On the occasion of his anniversary of membership in the FAUCHON Le Club Program, the Member holding the Amateur Card will benefit from free delivery: by chropost or colissimo in France and Zone 1 ( the list of countries concerned is available here ) for any order placed on the FACHON Website from 50 € of purchase. To benefit from it, the Member must enter the code communicated by FAUCHON when finalizing his order by email ( newsletter ) or in their customer account. The free delivery benefit is valid once and must be used within three months of the code being assigned by email. This benefit is valid once and has a validity period of three months. The Member will therefore no longer be able to benefit from the Welcome Offer after the three-month period following the assignment of their benefit. Cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions in progress.

Double points for Christmas: On the occasion of Christmas, the points accumulated during purchases made on the FAUCHON Website and in store during a period which will be communicated in advance by email (newsletter) are doubled so that during this period the scale for accumulating points will be as follows: one (1) euro including tax spent gives the right to two (2) loyalty points credited (1 euro including tax = 2 points).

Double points for Easter: On the occasion of Easter, the points accumulated during purchases made on the FAUCHON Website and in stores on Easter Sunday and during the 20 days preceding, are doubled so that during this period the scale for accumulating points will be as follows: one (1) euro including tax spent gives the right to two (2) loyalty points credited (1 euro including tax = 2 points).

6.3. The Initiate Card

The Initiate Card allows its holder to benefit from the following advantages and offers:

The privilege day: When the Member first reaches 500 points accumulated on his account, he will benefit - from the day after reaching the 500 points - 10% discount on the amount including tax of the order of his choice made on the FAUCHON website or on his purchase in store (excluding delivery costs, excluding products from the "Cellar" tab and excluding gift card). To benefit from this, the Member must enter the code communicated by FAUCHON by the code provided by the Member when finalizing his order. email ( newsletter ) or in their customer account. The Privilege Day is valid once and must be used within three months of reaching the 250 loyalty points. This discount cannot be combined with other current discounts or promotions.
Birthday Gift Initiated: On the occasion of their anniversary of membership in the FAUCHON Le Club Program, the Member holding the Initiate Card will be able to benefit from a birthday gift of their choice from a list of gifts proposed , it being specified that this list may evolve until the Member has made his/her choice. This offer is valid once and must be used within 30 days from the anniversary date of membership, for any purchase on the FAUCHON Website. To benefit from it, the Member must be logged in to his/her personal account on the FAUCHON Website, enter his/her personal code and select a gift in the window accessible from the shopping cart.

Delivery advantage: The Member will benefit from free delivery:

by courier in Paris and the Paris region (department numbers: 75, 92, 93 and 94) for any order placed on the FACHON website from €400 of purchase.

Double points for Christmas: On the occasion of Christmas, points accumulated during purchases made on the FAUCHON Website or in store during a period which will be communicated in advance by email (newsletter), are doubled so that during this period the scale for accumulating points will be as follows: one (1) euro including tax spent gives the right to two (2) points. loyalty credited s (1 euro including tax = 2 points).

Double points for Easter: On the occasion of Easter, the points accumulated during purchases made on the FAUCHON Website or in stores on Easter Sunday and during the 20 days preceding, are doubled so that during this period the scale for accumulating points will be as follows: one (1) euro including tax spent gives the right to two (2) points. loyalty credited s (1 euro including tax = 2 points).

6.4. The Passionate Card

The map Keen allows its holder to benefit from the following advantages and offers:

Passionate Exclusive: The Member benefits, by being connected to his personal account on the FAUCHON Website, from a 5% discount on the amount including tax of any purchase made on the FAUCHON Website (excluding delivery costs, excluding “Cellar” products and excluding gift cards) and in our partner stores. This discount cannot be combined with other discounts or current promotions.

The privilege day: When the Member reaches 1500 points accumulated on his account for the first time, he will benefit - from the day after reaching 1500 points - from a 10% discount on the amount including tax of the order of his choice made on the FAUCHON website (excluding delivery costs, excluding products from the "Cellar" tab and excluding gift cards) and in our partner stores. To benefit from this, the Member must enter the code communicated by FAUCHON when finalizing his order by email ( newsletter ) or in their customer account. The Privilege Day is valid once and must be used within three months of reaching 1500 Loyalty Points. This discount cannot be combined with other current discounts or promotions.

Delivery advantage: The Member will benefit from free delivery:

- by courier in Paris and the Paris region (department numbers: 75, 92, 93 and 94) for any order placed on the FACHON website for purchases of €80 or more,
- by Chronopost in mainland France (excluding Corsica) for any order placed on the FACHON website from €50 of purchase, and
- by Chronopost in Europe for any order placed on the FACHON website from 80€ of purchase ( the list of countries concerned is available here )

Birthday gift Passionné : On the occasion of his/her anniversary of membership in the FAUCHON Le Club Program, the Member holding the Passionate Card will be able to benefit from a birthday gift of his/her choice from a list of proposed gifts, it being specified that this list may change as long as the Member has not made his/her choice. This offer is valid once and must be used within 30 days from the anniversary date of membership, for any purchase on the FAUCHON Website. To benefit from it, the Member must be logged in to his/her personal account on the FAUCHON Website, enter his/her personal code and select a gift in the window accessible from the shopping cart.

Double points for Christmas: On the occasion of Christmas, points accumulated during purchases made on the FAUCHON Website or in store during a period which will be communicated in advance by email (newsletter), are doubled so that during this period the scale for accumulating points will be as follows: one (1) euro including tax spent gives the right to two (2) points. loyalty credited s (1 euro including tax = 2 points).

Double points for Easter: On the occasion of Easter, the points accumulated during purchases made on the FAUCHON Website or in stores on Easter Sunday and during the 20 days preceding, are doubled so that during this period the scale for accumulating points will be as follows: one (1) euro including tax spent gives the right to two (2) points. loyalty credited s (1 euro including tax = 2 points).

7. Termination, modification and deletion of the FAUCHON Le Club Program

7.1. Termination by Member

In the event that the Member no longer wishes to benefit from the FAUCHON Le Club Program, he/she may inform FAUCHON by mail or e-mail (using the contact details provided in Article 1 above). Where applicable, FAUCHON will deactivate the Member's Card upon receipt of the notification sent by the Member and will proceed to delete his/her data.

7.2. Termination by FAUCHON

For its part, FAUCHON may deactivate the membership of the FAUCHON Le Club Program of any Member who does not comply with the terms and obligations arising from these Regulations and/or who has made abusive use of the benefits, services or offers arising therefrom and/or in the event of a payment incident, fraud, attempted fraud by the Member on the FAUCHON Website and/or if the Member does not make any purchases for a consecutive period of 36 months and/or in the event of an abnormally high number of transactions on the same day of purchases and/or over several days and/or in the event of multiple registrations for the FAUCHON Le Club Program by the same person suggesting that the Member concerned is not acting for personal purposes.
If applicable, FAUCHON will notify its decision by post or e-mail.
Deactivation of the Card will result in the definitive loss of the points accumulated and the benefits acquired or associated with the Card, without any compensation being able to be claimed by the Member.

7.3. Modification of the FAUCHON Le Club Program

The FAUCHON Le Club Program may be subject to changes, particularly concerning the scale for accumulating points and the nature of loyalty benefits. If applicable, these changes will result in a modification of the Regulations. FAUCHON will inform the Member by email or letter at least one month in advance.
The Member will then have the option – either to maintain his membership in the FAUCHON Le Club Program by accepting the Regulations as amended by FAUCHON – or to decide to no longer benefit from the FAUCHON Le Club Program, by informing FAUCHON under the conditions set out in article 7.1 below.

7.4. Cancellation of the FAUCHON Le Club Program:

FAUCHON may cancel the FAUCHON Le Club Program, provided that the Member is informed by email or mail at least one month in advance. In this case, the Member will be able to benefit from the corresponding advantages for a period of one month from the termination of the FAUCHON Le Club Program, without being able to continue to accumulate the amount of his purchases. If these advantages are not used, they will be permanently lost, and the Member will not be able to claim any restitution or compensation.

8. Applicable law and claims

These Regulations are subject to French law. Any dispute that cannot be resolved amicably will be brought before the competent Court in accordance with the provisions of common law in this area.
The Member has the option of appealing to a Consumer Mediator, under the conditions provided for in Articles L.611-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code.
In this respect, the Holder is informed that FAUCHON has chosen the FEDERATION E-COMMERCE ET VENTE A DISTANCE, 60 rue la Boétie, 75008 Paris (FEDAV), www.mediateurfevad.fr .
Furthermore, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013, the European Commission has set up an Online Dispute Resolution platform, facilitating the independent out-of-court resolution of online disputes between consumers and traders in the European Union. This platform is accessible at the following link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/ .

Last update : July 25, 023