Différences entre tisane, thé et infusion : ce qu’il faut savoir

Differences between herbal tea, tea and infusion: what you need to know

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Herbal tea, tea and infusion: what is the difference?

Highly appreciated for enjoying a moment of relaxation, herbal tea, tea and infusion are drinks that differ in certain ways. Known for their mineral content and subtle flavors , these products can accompany your breakfast or a break in the afternoon or evening. An overview of their compositions, preparations and benefits will allow you to better understand their differences.

Tea & herbal tea, two products not to be confused

First of all, it is important to know the difference between tea and herbal tea. Both drinks are based on plants, sometimes in the form of a mixture, to enjoy deep aromas that offer a beneficial effect. In the case of tea, the beverage will necessarily contain theine , a substance derived from the leaves of the tea plant, a shrub belonging to the Camellia family native to the Far East. In the case of herbal tea, the resulting drink is made from natural plants but does not contain theine.

There are several varieties of tea available to help you prepare the drinks that are most pleasing to your palate. Contrary to popular belief, white, green, black and yellow teas all come from the same plant, but find their own characteristics through the harvesting method used and the choice of manufacturing process.

A herbal tea can be prepared using a single plant or several to form tasty blends. The principle remains the same, namely pouring boiling water over leaves or flowers. Among the most commonly used for this purpose, we can cite thyme, rosemary, chamomile, lemon balm, lime blossom or even verbena.

Herbal tea & infusion, different preparations:

Unlike the previous case, herbal tea and infusion are not drinks whose composition changes completely. What is the difference between herbal tea and infusion? This is at the level of the preparation technique itself. Indeed, tea and herbal tea designate different products, while infusion is a preparation method used for different beverages (including herbal tea).

Concretely, the infusion consists of bringing water to a boil and then pouring it over leaves, stems or flowers to extract all the aromas. Depending on the plants used, the infusion time can vary. It is generally between 5 and 10 minutes, in order to give the water time to cool down partially. An infusion is made with water around 80 to 90 °C, so it is important to always allow this waiting time before consuming your drink.

A herbal tea can be prepared in various ways, by infusion, but also by maceration or decoction . Less used, these last two methods are more complex. The first requires soaking the plants in water at room temperature for several hours. The second is similar to an infusion, except that the water is first poured cold to gradually bring the mixture to the boil.

Tea, herbal tea and infusion differ but have virtues that should not be overlooked for the body . Rich in flavonoids, tea is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce cellular aging. Depending on the plants chosen, herbal tea allows you to benefit from calming, toning or diuretic effects. An infusion taken before going to bed can also facilitate sleep.

Choose quality products

Tea, herbal tea and infusion are naturally beneficial drinks to be consumed with benefit at different times of the day. In order to benefit from all their health benefits, it is advisable to turn to natural products of superior quality, to be prepared using slightly mineralized water . In an herbal tea, honey can also effectively replace sugar. Teas and herbal teas guaranteed 100% organic, without pesticides or chemicals, are also preferable.

For your tea or herbal teas, you can choose either products in bags or whole loose leaves. If, for its practicality and speed, you prefer the first solution, the best quality tea bags are pyramid-shaped and made of silk muslin for a perfect infusion and optimal preservation of aromas. With loose leaves, a teapot or a large infuser will be necessary. They will allow you to enjoy a tea that has retained all its natural properties.

With Fauchon products , a wide range of excellent quality teas is available to you. You can thus indulge in green tea from the Fujian province, known for its delicacy and its smooth flavors enhanced with jasmine flowers. Fauchon mint tea is another exceptional product to recommend, with its exceptional blend of rolled leaf green tea and Moroccan mint.


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In addition to delighting the taste buds and the sense of smell, black tea offers numerous health benefits thanks to its rich composition of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants help combat cell ageing and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Black tea also reduces stress and aids digestion. Discover all the benefits of black tea in the article: Black tea and its 7 health benefits.

Black tea and green tea both come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. The main difference lies in the processing mechanism, notably the oxidation stage. Black tea is darker, as it is oxidized to its fullest for a more robust taste. Green tea, on the other hand, is heated to prevent oxidation and preserve its fresh taste and soft green color.

Infusion is a method of preparation that involves pouring hot water, usually at a temperature of 80 to 90°C, onto mixtures of plants, flowers or fruits, and allowing them to infuse for a while before consuming. Herbal tea, meanwhile, is a drink that can be prepared in different ways: by infusion, of course, but also by maceration or decoction.