Comment déguster le caviar ?

How to taste caviar?

Reading time: 3 à 4 minutes

Tasting caviar is an art. With its selection of caviar and assortments, Fauchon invites you to discover how to savor this exceptional dish in the best conditions.


An exceptional dish, caviar, also called “black gold” , represents much more than a simple victual. Knowing how to taste caviar is an art. No need for artifice , caviar is a desire that is sufficient in itself. To demonstrate an optimal tasting and fully enjoy its subtleties and flavors, very precise rules must be followed. Fine gourmets and connoisseurs, discover how to live a unique gastronomic experience with Fauchon.


French excellence and ancestral know-how , this is what Fauchon promises. Sébastien Monceaux, executive chef, has carefully selected the taste elite for you for an exceptional appetizer.

From its Balkan origins, caviar has been positioned in France since 1990, when sturgeon farming developed, particularly in Aquitaine.

Each type of caviar offers a unique experience and a different flavor. Depending on your desires and your level of experience, discover or rediscover the eminence of an exclusive product.

Do you know the 3 existing caviar classifications?

Baeri caviar from Aquitaine

Baeri caviar from Aquitaine, an opening to the luxury experience, comes from middle-aged fish (around 4-5 years old) called Acipenser Baerii sturgeons. Known for its iodized and olive notes, this gray or dark green caviar is appreciated by amateurs. While in stores baeri is generally matured between 3 and 8 months, Fauchon baeri caviar requires an absolute 8-month maturation. With a beautiful hold in the mouth and a unique content, it will satisfy you.

Oscietra caviar

For a refined pleasure, Oscietra caviar knows how to put itself forward. With its slightly larger grains, light in color ranging from golden to light green, Oscietra caviar comes from the exclusive production of Gueldenstaedtii tarragons. Fauchon offers you a range of characterful products, for a sensual caviar with a delicate length in the mouth and buttery notes, dried fruits and avocado. A whirlwind of flavors, its delectable grains roll divinely under the palate.

Beluga caviar

The prerogative of the most prestigious , beluga caviar is the caviar of a discerning public. With a longer maturation time than its peers, beluga caviar is fleshy, creamy with a symphony of harmonious flavors in the mouth: marine and iodized flavors, buttery notes, a touch of almond, tonka and a light lemony touch. Offered at Fauchon for two years now, beluga, expert caviar, charms, melts and gradually releases all its delicate aromas.


At Fauchon, we strive to offer superior quality finished products to be enjoyed in the art of excellence.

As subtle and sensitive as your taste buds, caviar is stored at a temperature between -3°C and 3°C . For optimal conditions and a more authentic experience, the precious eggs are preserved in their original box when tasting.

Before enjoying it, it is advisable to take the prestigious box out of the refrigerator 15 minutes beforehand, so that the dish can reach the ideal temperature of between 8°C and 10°C . This allows the caviar to release all its aromas and fully reveal the firmness and smoothness of its grains. With the greatest dexterity, the box is ideally placed on a bed of ice .

Savoring caviar also means being satisfied with a product in its raw state . Without embellishment, without the addition of eggs, salt or herbs. We fully consider the uniqueness of the occasion by tasting at least 15 to 20 grams of caviar per person . It is advisable to consume caviar on a neutral palate and not to mix the flavors to fully appreciate the remarkable black gold.


Enjoying caviar is not a gift that we give ourselves every day, except for some of the greatest epicureans.

The quintessence of gastronomy, caviar is a start to a lovely meal, which can be enjoyed as an aperitif or before starting the meal so as not to adulterate its purity.

But how do you enjoy your caviar? Fauchon provides you with its valuable advice for a harmonious and inimitable tasting .

There are many methods for enjoying caviar:

“Royal style”

The most traditional way to enjoy caviar is to taste it directly from the skin . Place a few grains on the back of your hand, with your fist closed, between the base of your thumb and index finger. Then simply bring your hand to your mouth and roll the precious granules between your tongue and palate to appreciate the tastes and textures.

By the spoonful

Enjoying caviar with a spoon, yes, but not just any spoon! To enjoy caviar, we do not use a metal spoon, which will alter and oxidize the taste of the grains. We prefer a mother-of-pearl spoon (or plastic, if not), of an ideal size, it is specially designed to enjoy the uniqueness of caviar.

Fauchon caviar is intended for epicureans and connoisseurs, and it is recommended to savor at least three generous spoonfuls to fully appreciate its subtleties.

On toast

Although the two previous techniques are preferred, caviar can also be enjoyed with toast, in all simplicity. Fauchon's mini brioche toasts go wonderfully with the subtlety of caviar. Place 15 grams of caviar on your toast and enjoy a surprising crackling in your mouth.

For an optimal experience, the tasting begins with a spoonful of caviar to prepare the palate, followed by two other spoonfuls to explore the iodized flavors, olive notes and vegetal nuances.


For an ideal aperitif, Fauchon caviar is accompanied by an exceptional Champagne such as our Champagne Blanc de Blancs, a champagne aged 5 years on slats with great aromatic complexity, or a crystalline white Burgundy such as the Bourgogne Hautes Côtes De Beaune Jayer Gilles 2015, round and slightly acidic.

In the kitchen, Fauchon suggests tasty combinations such as Osciètre caviar with pearly sea bass and caviar beurre blanc, Baeri caviar with sea bream and haddock tartare accompanied by a zucchini velouté with thyme and lemon, and finally plain Beluga caviar with butter brioche and Isigny or alpine cream.


  • Insert the spoon horizontally into the can of caviar to remove the grains. Conversely, inserting it vertically would break the grain.
  • Never reheat caviar or cook it . To avoid degrading the exquisite flavors of caviar, it is eaten in its purest state possible.
  • Never combine lemon with caviar as this will destroy all its aromas.

Now you know how to enjoy caviar in all its forms. Discover the incredible selection of caviar from the Maison for excellent culinary experiences to share with family or friends!


Découvrir nos caviars français

Mets d'exception, découvrez "l'or noir" FAUCHON

Notre sélection de caviar
La réponse de FAUCHON à vos questions

We make it a point of honor to promote French excellence through the quality of our caviar. For this, our sturgeons are raised in fish farms in Aquitaine, where their well-being is a top priority. Respect for the animal, the clarity of the water, traditional methods and know-how are essential criteria to guarantee the finesse and power of our caviars.

For optimal caviar tasting, avoid any superfluous accompaniment such as herbs or eggs.
Plan a minimum of 15 to 20g per person, and start with a first spoon. It delicately prepares the palate with a generous portion of this noble product. Let the firm and chewy grains of Osciètre caviar roll under your palate, gradually releasing marine flavors and dried fruit notes.
Continue with a second spoon to discover the subtleties of caviar, savoring the iodized flavors, the roundness of the olive and the vegetable notes of flower.
Finally, with the third spoon, you will be fully installed in the experience and can truly appreciate each delicate nuance of this exceptional dish.

Beluga caviar, by its complexity and refinement, is ideally combined with a crystalline white Burgundy adorned with a slight acidity or a white champagne, well balanced, which will highlight its delicate and subtle flavors.