
Crab meat recipe with avocado and tomato

Difficulty easy
Cooking time 0 minutes
Preparation and rest 20 minutes
Recette chair de tourteau avocat et tomate

Recipe for 4 people people


  • 160 g crab meat
  • 800 g of red vine tomatoes
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 10 g ginger
  • 30 g olive oil
  • 10 gr of aged balsamic vinegar
  • Chives
  • Fine salt
  • Espelette pepper
  • Chervil
  • Tarragon
  • Coriander

Make this recipe with :

Olive oil from Provence AOC

27,00 €
Huile d'olive de Provence AOC

Olive oil from Provence AOC Matured Olives

27,00 €
Huile d'olive de Provence AOC Olives maturées

Mustard with Espelette chilli pepper

7,00 €
Moutarde au piment d'Espelette


Step 1: Preparing the crab

  • Crumble the crab flesh.
  • Chop the chives.
  • Mix the crab meat with the ginger, olive oil, salt, chilli and chives.

Step 2: Marinated tomatoes

  • Peel the tomatoes by plunging them into boiling water for 30 seconds, taking care to first make an incision on the top and remove the stalk.
  • Then cool them in iced water.
  • Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut them into 4 and then remove the seeds.
  • Cut the tomato flesh into small cubes.
  • Season with olive oil, salt, Espelette pepper and balsamic vinegar.

Assembly and finishing:

  • With the herbs, make a salad of herb leaves soaked in very cold water, then drain.
  • In a deep plate, place the half avocado cut into slices in a circle of about 10 cm, then the crushed marinated tomatoes and finally the crab meat.
  • Then sprinkle the salad preparation with herbs.

The Chef's words

"Preparing the crab with its marinated tomatoes is a true symphony of flavors. Each step is designed to enhance the freshness of the crab and the acidity of the tomatoes. By combining ginger and Espelette pepper, we awaken the delicate flesh of the crab, while the herb salad brings a touch of freshness and lightness. It is a dish that embodies the elegance and simplicity of cuisine, while celebrating seafood."

Sebastien Monceaux

Executive Chef FAUCHON Paris


To accompany this recipe