Quelle température de l'eau pour le thé?

What temperature of water for tea?

Reading time: 2 minutes

The golden rules for preparing tea?

There tea preparation is a real ritual. Discover the tea tasting rules , in order to know how prepare tea at the right temperature. It will thus reveal its full aromatic palette, without developing bitterness.

For the When preparing tea , we prefer fresh spring water or filtered water. We prefer water heated in a kettle: the water does not risk taking on the taste of previously cooked food, as can be the case if it is heated in a saucepan. Scald the teapot before letting the tea infuse, by pouring boiling water into it, then discard the water. Cast iron, porcelain or ceramic teapots have the advantage of not absorbing the aroma of teas, unlike so-called "memory" teapots made of unglazed fired clay in which it is recommended to infuse only one tea because the aroma will be retained.
A dosage of two grams of tea per cup is recommended.

What time and temperature should I enjoy tea?

The water should never be boiling. For a infusion of tea at the right temperature , we will adapt the water temperature according to the tea chosen.

The infusion time also varies depending on the type of tea. Traditionally, we let infuse:

  • green teas for 3 minutes at 75-80°C
  • black teas for 4 minutes, except for broken tea leaves rather 2 to 3 minutes, at 85-90°C and Darjeeling at 95°C
  • blue teas for 4 to 5 minutes at 95°C
  • white teas for 5 to 6 minutes at 60°C
  • infusions for 5 to 10 minutes at 100°C

Beyond that, they risk developing an unpleasant bitterness in the mouth. The infusion is done covered, for perfect preservation of the tea's aromas.
So, heat the water for a green tea to 75-80°C. This is the ideal temperature for your Mint, Jasmine Chung Hao or Sencha tea to release all its aromas. If you want to enjoy a black tea, bring the water temperature to 85-90°C. This way, you will enjoy all the power of your Assam, Earl Grey and Blueberries or Le Mélange Fauchon tea.


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Preparing black tea is an art. In order to appreciate all the flavors and fragrances that emanate from this plant, black tea preparation requires observing a few rules.
First, bring water to the boil while placing loose tea or tea bags in a container or in your favorite cup. Then pour the boiling water over the tea and leave to infuse for the time indicated. Strain the loose leaves through a sieve, or simply remove the tea with a tea ball. Now your hot tea is ready to enjoy, but be careful not to burn yourself!

In addition to delighting the taste buds and the sense of smell, black tea offers numerous health benefits thanks to its rich composition of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants help combat cell ageing and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Black tea also reduces stress and aids digestion. Discover all the benefits of black tea in the article: Black tea and its 7 health benefits.

Green teas offer diverse aromatic profiles, ranging from plant and fresh flavours to notes of spinach, seaweed or cooked vegetables. These aromas vary depending on the origin of green tea, whether from China, Japan or Korea, each with its own unique characteristics.

For a perfect infusion, it's crucial never to boil the water. Each type of tea requires a specific temperature to release its aromas.

For green teas, a 3-minute infusion at 75-80°C is ideal. Black teas require 4 minutes at 85-90°C, except for broken leaves, which require 2 to 3 minutes. Darjeeling is brewed at 95°C. Blue teas require 4-5 minutes at 95°C, while white teas require 5-6 minutes at 60°C. Infusions, on the other hand, are made at 100°C for 5 to 10 minutes.

Cover your tea to preserve its aroma. For a green tea such as Mint or Jasmine Chung Hao, 75-80°C is perfect. For a black tea such as Assam or Earl Grey, opt for 85-90°C. Savour all the richness of your Fauchon teas.