Tout savoir sur la différence entre la terrine et le pâté

Everything you need to know about the difference between terrine and pâté

Reading time: 4 to 5 minutes


Pâté and terrine are undeniably among the great classics of French gastronomy , the latter being culinary specialties that are part of our culture. These are dishes that we are used to finding during an aperitif dinner. Often known for their pork-based preparations, their diversity extends well beyond this ingredient and can actually satisfy all tastes : based on meat, fish or vegetables , pâtés and terrines appeal to all palates. However, even today, it is complicated to tell the difference between pâté and terrine. What really differentiates these two delicious dishes? In this article, we explain everything about the difference between pâté and terrine.

The terrine, unique in that it is cooked in a terracotta container

The terrine takes its name from the container in which it was prepared and cooked: it has been differentiated in this way since the Middle Ages. In fact, the latter is cooked in an earthenware container , and it was already very popular with the Romans at the time. Thus, the sine qua non condition for a terrine to be considered as such is that it is prepared in very specific ways, that is to say in this earthenware utensil also called a terrine . It must then be cooked slowly in the oven.

In terms of its ingredients, the terrine can very well be composed of meat (poultry, game, etc.) as well as other foods such as fish, fruits and vegetables . Thus, creativity is the order of the day when it comes to making terrines: at Fauchon, we offer you a range of varied terrines: you can opt for a terrine with red wine or one with Espelette pepper.

After cooking, the terrine must cool for at least 24 hours and is generally eaten cold.

The pâté, unique for its cooking in a crust

The very first pâté was apparently made at the end of the 14th century by Mr Gace de La Bigne, a Norman poet . This recipe made the pâté unique, which makes it different from the terrine in several ways. Firstly, it stands out in terms of its cooking process. Basically, the pâté was a stuffing (made with meat, fish, vegetables, etc.). Its cuisine bound different pieces together with an egg. The stuffing was cooked in a dough, which was not always edible. The latter, generally made from a mixture of wheat flour and chestnut, surrounded the stuffing and protected it in the Middle Ages, when the pâté had to be transported and offered to someone. Over time, the crust of the pâté ended up being prepared in such a way as to be edible and tasty, sometimes bringing a sweet note to the tasting. Thus, today the pâté en croûte is commonplace , whether it is puff pastry or shortcrust pastry. However, there are also a lot of delicious pâtés without crust.

The pâté can be eaten cold, warm or hot, unlike the terrine which is eaten cold.

Pâté and terrine: two dishes that will make you happiest during your moments shared with loved ones

While pâté and terrine differ in their cooking processes, they have one fundamental point in common: they will be the best friends for your starters or appetizers with friends. Whether accompanied by a fresh baguette, rusks, cold cuts, rillettes or pickles, these dishes will satisfy you. In addition, their varied recipes will satisfy all tastes, whether you are a meat, vegetable or fruit lover. Many culinary combinations can be made in the preparation of pâtés and terrines, which makes them essential gourmet specialties, regardless of the season. In addition, each region has its well-kept know-how , which creates an astonishing diversity between all the possible choices of terrine and pâté. Among the best-known varieties of pâté and terrine, we find:

  • Duck foie gras terrine, also available at Fauchon and prepared by our professional artisans in the field;
  • Venison terrine ;
  • Country terrine , often made with several meats;
  • Wild boar, rabbit or venison pâtés .

And to vary the pleasures even more, you can also go for more modern recipes such as chestnut pâté or even a Provençal eggplant terrine.


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