Les Conseils dégustation du foie gras

Tips for tasting foie gras

Reading time: 2 to 3 minutes

How to enjoy foie gras?

Fauchon offers delicious duck and goose foie gras. Made in a traditional way from the best pieces, these melting foie gras reveal the richness of their aromas in the mouth. Discover how to eat whole foie gras and how to eat semi-cooked foie gras, how to choose it wine for foie gras, and which accompaniment to favor for foie gras .

Which foie gras to choose?

Are you hesitating between duck foie gras and goose foie gras? While the former reveals a classic taste and frank aromas in the mouth, goose foie gras seduces many gourmets with its delicacy and the subtlety of its flavors.

How to season foie gras?

You can add a pinch of fleur de sel, which will bring an iodized touch. The pepper will give a welcome touch of spiciness and acidity.

What bread for foie gras?

Keep it simple when enjoying foie gras. We recommend country bread, which has a nice dense crumb. Rye bread will perfectly enhance duck foie gras, thanks to the hint of acidity it gives off. Want something rounder? Opt for gingerbread! Whatever bread you choose, lightly toast it. Once your foie gras bread is on the table, no question of spreading the foie gras. Simply place pieces on top, without crushing them, and enjoy.

What to eat foie gras with?

Foie gras pairs perfectly with fresh fruits, such as figs or pears. You can also serve dried fruits, chutneys, compotes or marmalades as accompaniment for foie gras.

Which wine with foie gras?

Choose the Wine for foie gras must obey a golden rule: the agreement around smoothness. We will favor sweet white wines, which go perfectly with the melting foie gras. Sauternes, Monbazillac and late harvests from Alsace are safe bets. The red wine/foie gras pairing takes on its full meaning with foie gras served hot. Foie gras is also served with Champagne, for an exceptional pairing.


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FAUCHON's answers to your questions

Foie gras, a noble and refined product, is made from duck or goose liver. Renowned for its melt-in-the-mouth texture and rich, unctuous taste, foie gras is a prized specialty of French cuisine. It is served for family meals and special occasions.

Duck foie gras is more common and offers a subtle, delicate taste. Goose foie gras, on the other hand, is renowned for its intense flavor, finesse and smoothness. Above all, it's a question of taste.

A masterpiece of French gastronomy, foie gras is a subtle delight. Served on toast or lightly toasted brioche, this gastronomic delicacy will reveal all its aromas and smoothness. Foie gras is best served at room temperature, 30 to 50 minutes before serving, to reveal its full potential.