Comment conserver le foie gras ?

How to preserve foie gras?

Reading time: 3 à 4 minutes


The preservation and tasting of foie gras represents a true art, requiring particular mastery to obtain the best possible texture and the best flavor contained in this gastronomic pleasure .


Unfortunately, time is not always kind to our food, and can have some surprises in store for us. Foie gras, sensitive to time and temperature changes, can quickly lose its taste and texture if the correct storage methods are not followed.

Foie gras is an essential delicacy of festivities, present on our tables for several centuries. In ancient times, the Egyptians raised ducks and geese, which allowed them to have food reserves during their long journeys.


Today, Fauchon offers a foie gras that combines, above all, craftsmanship and know-how, to offer its consumers an unforgettable taste experience .

Discover below the secrets of preserving this product, as well as the different Fauchon foie gras, designed to make your holidays more wonderful or simply to add a touch of magic to your meals.


Whole duck or goose foie gras, raw, semi-cooked, or canned… There are different types of foie gras, and therefore different ways to preserve it . Find out how to preserve all the flavors and have the best possible foie gras texture.

Storing raw foie gras

For raw foie gras (whole duck or goose), the main thing before tasting it is to place it in cling film or wrap it in a tea towel to keep it fresh and prevent oxidation .

A whole duck foie gras can be kept for up to 10 days in the refrigerator , while a whole goose foie gras can be kept for up to 15 days , regardless of its packaging.


Once raw foie gras has been opened, it is important to cook or consume it within 1 to 2 days maximum after opening (if it is not vacuum-packed) to preserve all its aromas. If in doubt, observe the color and texture of your foie gras (to avoid food poisoning!). Our advice is to taste it as soon as you buy it for an optimal taste experience.

Storing semi-cooked foie gras

To store your semi-cooked foie gras, place it in the refrigerator between 0 and 4°C . Before opening, you can keep it for 2 to 3 weeks in a cool place .

Semi-cooked foie gras, fragile due to its low-temperature cooking (between 70 and 85°C), should be eaten within 24 hours of opening, whether it is packaged, in a jar or in a terrine. Be sure to wrap it carefully to preserve its flavors and prevent oxidation.

Canned foie gras

Unlike its two counterparts, canned foie gras can be consumed several years after purchase . Place it in a dry place without light and at a temperature of less than 15°C.

Check the expiration date or best before date to know when to enjoy your foie gras.

Once the foie gras has been opened, you can keep it in the refrigerator for several days, remembering to check its color and texture before consuming it.

Whether raw, semi-cooked or canned, when it's time to enjoy foie gras, take it out of the refrigerator 15 to 20 minutes before serving . This intensifies the flavors while giving the foie gras a melting texture. This slight rise in temperature intensifies its flavors and enhances its melting texture.


If you want to prolong the magic of Fauchon foie gras, freezing remains an option. Wrap it in airtight plastic wrap (in slices if you wish) and place it in the freezer. Make sure to respect a maximum duration of 3 months to preserve the quality of the foie gras.

When you want to eat it, take the foie gras out 24 to 48 hours before the day of tasting and place it in the fridge.


Fauchon offers you different types of foie gras, combining craftsmanship and finesse . Our recipes are designed by different French master artisans, who want to combine the best ingredients with foie gras to take you on a journey, or show you the different possible combinations during the holidays.


Our recipes are designed by different French master artisans , eager to choose the best ingredients to combine with foie gras, and thus take you on a journey with every bite.


Whether it's our recipe for truffled goose foie gras , duck foie gras with verbena berries or our recipe for duck foie gras with wild garlic , all of these foie gras have one thing in common: they are made without additives or preservatives, and are prepared and seasoned by hand.


These details transform a canned foie gras into an ideal taste pleasure to share during the holidays, or throughout the year. The foie gras box , composed of duck foie gras and fig compote, can be the gift to offer if you want to please your loved ones.

Preserving foie gras no longer holds any secrets for you; you are now able to savor every bite in the best possible way!

And remember: the surest way to overcome temptation is to succumb to it, so let yourself be tempted by the different Fauchon foie gras recipes , to be consumed without moderation during the holidays.


Les foies gras FAUCHON

Des recettes développées par notre Chef

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