
The Mocktail “An Afternoon in Paris”

Difficulty facile
Cooking time 2 à 6 heures
Preparation and rest 15 minutes / 4 à 6 heures
Le Mocktail "Un Après Midi à Paris"

Recipe for 4 people


  • 1 Boîte de thé un Après Midi à Paris FAUCHON
  • 1L d'eau minerale
  • 1 Boîte de boutons de roses FAUCHON
  • 20cl de sirop de de rose
  • 60g de purée framboise
  • 60g de purée de fraise
  • 20cl de jus de citron
  • quelques pétales de rose comestible (pour décorer)
  • 2 bâtons de citronnelle
  • Glaçons en cube

Make this recipe with :

An Afternoon in Paris tea

21,10 €
An Afternoon in Paris tea

An Afternoon in Paris tea

13,80 €
Thé Un Après-Midi à Paris


step 1: preparation to be carried out the day before the recipe

  • Put 8g of tea in 3 muslin bags and infuse for 12 to 15 hours in spring water (prepare like iced tea).
  • Put 8g of rose petals to infuse for between 12 and 15 hours in spring water

step 2: preparing the mocktail

Pour into the checker:

  • 55cl of brewed tea
  • 55cl of infused rose
  • 5cl lemon juice
  • 15cl of raspberry puree
  • 15cl of strawberry puree
  • 5cl of rose syrup

Step 3: Assembly and finishing

  • Serve in a tall, straight-sided whisky glass.
  • Then place some rose petals on top of the mocktail.
  • Drink chilled and well chilled.

An Afternoon in Paris tea

A loving trail of a skin fragrance, Après-midi à Paris is a unique tea where each leaf encapsulates the soul of a moment. It tells the story of an author's perfume, with a delicate and powdery rose in the top note, a sweet and sugary vanilla in the middle note, and a bouquet of elegant citrus fruits in the base note. And we find ourselves dreaming of a break on a café terrace, the nonchalance of a stroll through the Tuilerie, the magic of a romantic stroll. It is one of the most popular teas in our house, whose creation reveals the unique know-how of our house.

Madeleine, in 1898, by Auguste Fauchon.

From this magnificent tea we will make a mocktail

Accompanied by Grace's rose

The Centifolia rose, a rose endemic to the Grasse region, only blooms once a year, in May. Famous for the excellence of its fragrance among perfumers, we love to breathe it, cook with it, distill it, infuse it and of course consume it.

Les mots du Chef

Ce mocktail raffiné marie l'élégance du thé 'Un Après Midi à Paris' avec la délicatesse des pétales de rose, offrant une expérience gustative unique et envoûtante. La préparation, qui nécessite une infusion longue pour capturer pleinement les arômes, est enrichie par l'ajout de purées de framboise et de fraise, ainsi qu'un sirop de rose pour une touche sucrée et florale. Servi bien frappé et garni de pétales de rose, ce mocktail est un hommage parfait à la douceur et au charme intemporel de la rose Centifolia, l'un des trésors parfumés de Grasse. Une pause élégante et romantique, idéale pour célébrer un moment de grâce et de raffinement. 

Sébastien Monceaux

Chef Exécutif FAUCHON Paris


Pour accompagner cette recette

FAUCHON répond à vos questions

To preserve the taste and freshness of this pastry gem, keep your macaron away from any source of humidity. FAUCHON Rose macarons can be kept for 5 days after your order has been shipped, in a cool place, ideally at 2-5 degrees.

The Rose Macaronoffers a delicate and floral flavor that can be enhanced by various taste pairings to create a harmonious experience. Here are some suggestions for optimally pairing this macaron:

  1. Lychee: A Subtle Association
    Lychee, with its slightly sweet flavor and delicacy, pairs perfectly with rose. Enjoy the Rose macaron with pieces of fresh lychee, or serve a lychee compote as an accompaniment. Our tea experts have also succeeded in marrying rose and lychee in a scented tea recipe: Rose & Lychee tea.
  2. Raspberries: A Touch of Acidity
    Raspberries provide a fruity tartness that contrasts nicely with the sweetness of the rose. Serve the Rose macaron with fresh raspberries, or make a raspberry compote to use as a topping for the perfect balance.
  3. Rose Tea: A Complete Floral Experience
    For a complete taste experience, accompany the Rose macaron with a cup of rose tea. This combination reinforces the floral aspect of the accord and allows you to fully enjoy the delicacy and elegance of the rose.

Brut champagne is a traditionally dry champagne with refined aromas and lively effervescence. Rosé champagne is characterized by a delicate pink color, offering fruity flavors and a subtle complexity. Why not opt ​​for both by offering yourself the duo box of Fauchon brut and rosé champagne?