
All-chocolate cookie recipe with cocoa nibs and ganache

Difficulty easy
Cooking time 10 minutes
Preparation and rest 30 minutes
Recette cookies tout chocolat, grué de cacao et ganache

Recipe for 10 people


  • 155 g of Manjari Valrhona couverture
  • 90 g of UHT liquid cream with 35% fat
  • 125 g softened unsalted butter
  • 57 g of brown sugar
  • 57 g brown sugar
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • 70 g whole eggs
  • 90 g cornstarch (Maïzena)
  • 140 g of T55 flour
  • 3 g of fleur de sel
  • 2 g baking powder
  • 25 g bitter cocoa powder
  • 200 g cocoa nibs

Make this recipe with :


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Step 1: Manjari Ganache

  • Heat the cream, pour it over the chocolate, creating a nice emulsion.
  • Mold everything into 2.5cm diameter spheres (or into a 1⁄2 sphere mold, or into a disc),
  • Freeze the spheres for at least 2 hours.

Step 2: Chocolate cookie machine

  • In a food processor fitted with the paddle attachment, mix the softened butter with the sugars until you obtain a smooth mixture.
  • Add the eggs and mix well.
  • Then pour in the dry ingredients and mix to combine the powders.
  • When the preparation is smooth and there are no more traces of flour, add the chopped Manjari couverture.
  • Form 40g balls (you should get 20) and set aside.

Assembly and finishing:

  • Preheat the oven to 190°C fan-assisted.
  • Unmold the ganache spheres or discs. If you made 1⁄2 spheres, place them in pairs back to back.
  • Insert the frozen ganache sphere or disc into the balls made with the chocolate cookie mixture and reform into a ball.
  • Roll them in cocoa nibs.
  • Place them in a 7cm circle and bake them at 190°C for 10 minutes on Silpain or on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  • Wait until it cools down a little before unmolding.

The Chef's words

These cookies hide a heart of Manjari ganache, creating a perfect contrast between the crunchy crust and the melting interior. Each step, from the emulsion of the ganache to the shaping of the cookies, is designed to offer an intense chocolate experience. The added cocoa nibs add texture and depth of taste, transforming each bite into a true explosion of flavors. It is a delicacy where precision and passion meet to sublimate chocolate.

Sebastien Monceaux

Executive Chef FAUCHON Paris


To accompany this recipe