
Lobster Roll Recipe

Difficulty facile
Cooking time 15 minutes
Preparation and rest 30 minutes
Recette de Lobster Roll

Recipe for 4 people


  • Pain Bun's Brioché 1kg
  • Appareil de Homard 55g
  • Concombre en brunoise 20g
  • Salade iceberg émincé 10g
  • Poivron rouge en manière 10g
  • Bisque de Homard FAUCHON
  • Mayonnaise Homard 100g
  • Gemmes d'herbes 2g
  • Chair de Homard 300g
  • Oeuf dur 150g
  • Basilic ciselé 10g
  • Sel 5g
  • Poivre 5g

Make this recipe with :

Lobster Bisque to dilute

8,10 €
Bisque de Homard à diluer


Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

  • Burn the skin of the peppers over a flame or under the grill in the oven to easily remove it, then remove the filaments and seeds contained inside.
  • Peel the cucumber and remove the seeds.
  • Cut the cucumbers into 4 mm brunoise, slice the iceberg lettuce.
  • Cut the peppers into thin julienne strips.

    Step 2: Lobster Device 

    • Cook the lobsters and shell them.
    • Reserve in a cool place. Then cut the lobster into large pieces.
    • Chop the hard-boiled eggs. Whisk together the mayonnaise, bisque and basil.
    • Add the eggs and lobster to the mixture.
    • Add salt and pepper.
    • Mix the mayonnaise with the FAUCHON canned lobster bisque. Keep cool.

      Step 3: Dressing and finishing

      • Lightly spread lobster mayonnaise on each side, then add the iceberg lettuce, julienne of red peppers and diced cucumber.
      • Adjust the seasoning and add the lobster mixture, finishing with the herb sprouts.

        Les mots du Chef

        Pour sublimer la délicatesse du homard, il faut d'abord respecter son caractère raffiné. À travers la mayonnaise de homard mêlée à la bisque FAUCHON, chaque ingrédient s'exprime pleinement, offrant une symphonie de textures et de saveurs. Le contraste de la salade croquante, des poivrons en julienne et de la brunoise de concombre apporte la fraîcheur qui accompagne cette rencontre gastronomique. Une recette où l'essence de la mer s'allie à la finesse de notre savoir-faire. 

        Sébastien Monceaux

        Chef Exécutif FAUCHON Paris


        Pour accompagner cette recette

        For savoury lovers, Fauchon offers a wide choice of spreads, terrines, mini-crêpes, foie gras, rillettes... Accompanied by a good bottle of champagne or wine, your partner will only have eyes for you.

        If you want to combine savoury with sweet, that's also possible. The Fauchon Brunch set, for example, offers both. Here's what it contains:

        - Rosemary goat's cheese mini pancakes 60g (1018201)
        - Butternut honey and almond spread 90g (1017069)
        - Salmon rillettes 80g (380217)
        - Hazelnut and chocolate chip cookies 100g (1018592)
        - FAUCHON mixed tea 20g (1017261)
        - Apricot jam 115g (360034)
        - Flower honey from France 250g (1012009)
        - Champagne brut FAUCHON 750ml (1005428)

        Fauchon also thinks of salty lovers. A small aperitif planned? Choose the Clin d'oeil salted box with its cheddar pancakes, its mini toasts almond and figure, its shredded chicken with candied lemon and its salmon rillettes.

        For the greatest occasions, the Farandole Salée is ideal. This one is composed of mini toasts almond and figure, a Provençal tapenade of black olive, an eggplant spread ricotta mint, a pulled chicken with lemon confit, salmon rillettes and crab rillettes.