
Recipe for Tuna Mi-cuit with Sencha Tea and Spices, Sweet Potato Mousseline with Curry

Difficulty facile
Cooking time 40 min
Preparation and rest 13 heures
Recette de Thon Mi-cuit au Thé Sencha et aux Épices, Mousseline de Patates Douces au Curry

Recipe for 6 people


Thon Mi-cuit au thé FAUCHON :

  • 200 g de Thon Mi-cuit
  • 2 g de Cumin en Poudre
  • 8 g de Thé Vert Sencha
  • 30 g de Gingembre
  • 15 g d'Ail
  • 2 g de Piment d'Espelette
  • 10 cl d'Huile d'Olive
  • 7 g de Fleur de Sel

Sauce :

  • 210 g de Poivrons Rouges, coupés en fine brunoise
  • 160 g de Kiwis Verts, coupés en fine brunoise
  • 230 g de Mangue, coupée en fine brunoise
  • 50 g d'Oignon Rouge, coupé en fine brunoise, blanchi rapidement et refroidi
  • 200 g de Thé Vert Sencha, préalablement infusé, égoutté et haché

Mousseline de patate douce :

  • 1,600 kg de Grosse Patate Douce, pelée et coupée en morceaux
  • 80 g de Beurre de Cacahuète
  • 5 g de Curry en Poudre
  • 50 cl de Lait
  • 10 g de Sel
  • 1 g de Poivre

Make this recipe with :

Olive oil from Provence AOC

27,00 €
Huile d'olive de Provence AOC


Step 1: Preparation of the Sweet Potato Mousseline

  • Preheat the oven.
  • Wash and wrap the large sweet potato in aluminum foil.
  • Bake the sweet potatoes in the oven until tender.
  • Once cooked, remove the sweet potatoes from the oven and let them cool slightly.
  • Peel the cooked sweet potatoes and place them in a blender.
  • Add the peanut butter, milk and curry powder to the blender with the sweet potatoes.
  • Blend until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous puree.
  • Adjust the seasoning by adding salt and pepper to taste. Mix again.
  • Reserve the sweet potato puree with peanut butter and curry.

Step 2: Preparation of Tuna with spices and tea

  • Peel the ginger and cut it into a very fine brunoise.
  • Peel the garlic and chop it finely.
  • In a bowl, mix the brunoise ginger, chopped garlic, Sencha Green Tea, Cumin Powder, Espelette Pepper, Fleur de Sel, and Olive Oil.
  • Brush the tuna pieces generously with this preparation, making sure to coat them well.
  • Vacuum-pack the tuna pieces and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. This will allow the tuna to absorb the delicate flavors of the marinade.
  • After the marinating period, you can cook the tuna to your preference, keeping it semi-cooked for an optimal taste experience.

Step 3: Preparing the condiments

  • Peel the green kiwis, red peppers and mango.
  • Cut them into fine brunoise.
  • Peel the red onion, cut it into fine brunoise, then blanch it very quickly.
  • Cool immediately. In a bowl, mix the kiwis, peppers, mango, blanched red onion, and the previously brewed tea.
  • Strain the tea and chop it before adding it to the mixture. Incorporate seasonings according to your taste.
  • Make sure to mix all the ingredients well for even distribution of flavors.
  • Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.

Step 4: Dressage

  • Arrange a portion of the peanut butter and curry sweet potato puree neatly in the center of each plate.
  • Carefully place the pieces of Exotic Tuna Mi-cuit on the puree, taking care to create an attractive presentation.
  • Garnish the preparation with the Sauce Vierge, making sure to distribute the kiwi brunoise, red peppers, mango and red onion evenly.
  • Add a finishing touch with a light sprinkling of chopped Sencha Green Tea.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy this culinary creation combining exquisite textures and flavors.

Les mots du Chef

Ce plat allie subtilement des influences exotiques et épicées, offrant un équilibre harmonieux entre la douceur de la mousseline de patates douces au beurre de cacahuète et curry, et le caractère raffiné du thon mariné au thé vert Sencha. Les condiments de kiwi, poivrons rouges et mangue apportent une touche de fraîcheur et d'acidité, tandis que la sauce vierge rehausse l'ensemble avec des saveurs vibrantes. Une composition élégante et équilibrée pour les amateurs de plats fusion aux saveurs uniques 

Sébastien Monceaux

Chef Exécutif FAUCHON Paris


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