
Recipe for tuna marinated with chives and red pepper piperade

Difficulty facile
Cooking time 47 minutes
Preparation and rest 50 minutes
Recette de thon mariné a la cive et piperade de poivrons rouges

Recipe for 4 people


  • Thon rouge 720g
  • Huile d'olive 20g
  • Sel 4g
  • Piment d’Espelette 10g
  • Ciboulette 20g
  • Mélange d'herbes 12g
  • Huile d 'olive 22g
  • Oignons doux 1kg
  • Poivrons rouge 3kg
  • Tomates grappe bien mûre 1kg700
  • Ail 60g
  • Concentré de tomates 24g
  • Persil Plat botte de 500g
  • Sucre 4g
  • Sel 9g

Make this recipe with :

Olive oil from Provence AOC

27,00 €
Huile d'olive de Provence AOC

Pink Himalayan salt

11,00 €
Sel rose de l'Himalaya


Step 1: Pepper piperade:

  • Peel and clean the vegetables.
  • Slice the onions and sweat them in olive oil, then add the red peppers cut into strips and previously seeded.
  • Add the diced tomatoes, tomato paste, chopped garlic, salt and sugar.
  • Cook for about 45 minutes over low heat, leaving to stew.
  • At the end of cooking, add the Espelette pepper and chopped parsley.

Step 2: Preparing the tuna:

  • Heat the olive oil.
  • Cut the tuna and mark on one side only (one side).
  • Season with salt and pepper.

Step 3: Dressing and finishing:

    • Place the pepper piperade at the bottom of the plate .
    • Add the tuna to the dressing , finish with raw onions, chopped chives and herb sprouts for decoration.

      Les mots du Chef

      Cette recette met en valeur la richesse des saveurs du sud-ouest. La douceur de la piperade de poivrons, doucement mijotée avec des tomates, de l'ail et du piment d'Espelette, se marie parfaitement avec le thon saisi à l'unilatéral. L'assaisonnement simple mais précis sublime la finesse du poisson, tandis que la touche finale d'oignons crus et de ciboulette apporte croquant et fraîcheur, pour un plat équilibré, à la fois rustique et raffiné. 

      Sébastien Monceaux

      Chef Exécutif FAUCHON Paris


      Pour accompagner cette recette

      FAUCHON répond à vos questions

      Fauchon also thinks of salty lovers. A small aperitif planned? Choose the Clin d'oeil salted box with its cheddar pancakes, its mini toasts almond and figure, its shredded chicken with candied lemon and its salmon rillettes.

      For the greatest occasions, the Farandole Salée is ideal. This one is composed of mini toasts almond and figure, a Provençal tapenade of black olive, an eggplant spread ricotta mint, a pulled chicken with lemon confit, salmon rillettes and crab rillettes.

      For savoury lovers, Fauchon offers a wide choice of spreads, terrines, mini-crêpes, foie gras, rillettes... Accompanied by a good bottle of champagne or wine, your partner will only have eyes for you.

      If you want to combine savoury with sweet, that's also possible. The Fauchon Brunch set, for example, offers both. Here's what it contains:

      - Rosemary goat's cheese mini pancakes 60g (1018201)
      - Butternut honey and almond spread 90g (1017069)
      - Salmon rillettes 80g (380217)
      - Hazelnut and chocolate chip cookies 100g (1018592)
      - FAUCHON mixed tea 20g (1017261)
      - Apricot jam 115g (360034)
      - Flower honey from France 250g (1012009)
      - Champagne brut FAUCHON 750ml (1005428)