Avec quoi manger du caviar ?

What to eat caviar with?

Reading time: 3 à 4 minutes


Caviar, a product made from precious sturgeon pearls, has been considered a symbol of elegance and culinary refinement for hundreds of years.

Known for its gastronomy and know-how, it was in the 1990s that France began sturgeon farming in Aquitaine to deal with the ban on consuming wild caviar.

This “black gold” has been at the center of celebrations for centuries, transforming each meal into a unique moment. The greatest chefs have been able to highlight the art of combining certain products in order to fully preserve their aromas , and have allowed us to know how to enjoy caviar over time.

Caviar is therefore one of those exceptional products that can be enjoyed without any frills, to savor its authentic and raw flavor.

For caviar lovers or connoisseurs, it is therefore legitimate to wonder what to eat caviar with to appreciate it at its true value. Discover the secrets of tasting this black gold and the combinations that best reveal its subtle flavors.

Fauchon invites you to enhance your palate and create unforgettable culinary experiences, where each bite of caviar becomes a celebration of finesse and refinement .


Before presenting the accompaniments with which caviar can be combined, there are some essential elements to take into account to preserve the quality of the product. Fauchon gives you some tips for preserving and serving caviar .

Preserving caviar

Before serving, caviar should be stored in the coldest part of your refrigerator, normally between -3°C and 3°C . It is important to consume caviar 24 to 48 hours maximum after opening its can, at a temperature between 8°C and 10°C (i.e. 15 minutes after opening).

By respecting these conditions, you ensure that the caviar retains all its freshness and reveals its subtle aromas .

A mother-of-pearl spoon for serving caviar

Another tip to preserve all the taste qualities of caviar when tasting it: do not use a metal spoon, which can alter the taste of the caviar by oxidizing the grains. Opt instead for a mother-of-pearl spoon , which will allow you to fully enjoy the taste of your caviar.


Fauchon, a symbol of French gastronomic know-how, offers its customers a unique experience through a variety of caviars. Our sturgeon pearls guarantee refinement and subtlety , to transport your palates to another dimension. Each type of caviar has its own characteristics and nuances, to satisfy all desires.

For a caviar with iodized notes, we offer you the Baeri caviar of Aquitaine or the Osciètre caviar, a caviar with notes of buttered walnut and avocado. Beluga caviar is one of the most famous caviars in the world, known for the size of its grains, but also its delicacy in the mouth.

For over 20 years, Fauchon has been meticulously selecting each type of caviar, guaranteeing incomparable quality for simple tastings or in elaborate dishes. The accompaniment possibilities allow you to create unique culinary experiences , made to celebrate an extraordinary product.


The ultimate goal is to preserve the flavor of caviar when enjoyed with food. Fauchon chefs offer you various recipes that are both simple and delicious , designed to enhance the gastronomic experience of caviar.

Eating caviar on blinis

By pairing your caviar with blinis or mini brioche toasts , you preserve its exceptional taste. These accompaniments have the power to magnify the flavor of the caviar, transforming your experience into a real taste pleasure.

It is also advisable to serve it with a small amount of butter or cream.

Elaborate recipes created by Fauchon chefs

To accompany caviar in your dishes, our chefs have designed the ideal dish, where powerful flavors and finesse meet. A dish like Riso of pasta with langoustines and caviar lets you enjoy the unique taste of caviar without altering the taste of the prepared food.

When cooking with sturgeon eggs, the goal is to preserve their taste without being altered by other flavors. So opt for foods with a neutral taste that do not mask the subtlety of the caviar. For example, boiled potatoes, accompanied by sour cream and chives, pair perfectly with caviar.

Other accompaniments for eating caviar

It is also possible to serve a beef tartare, a cauliflower mousse or even a sea bass fillet with a small spoonful of caviar on top. The quantity per person is approximately 15 to 20g minimum , depending on the dish that accompanies it.

Accompany your caviar with wine or champagne

Accompanying your caviar with a dry white wine or a neutral alcohol like vodka also allows you to savor this luxurious dish at its true value, whether for the end-of-year celebrations or for any other event. Champagnes, cocktails and sweet or very fragrant wines will not give you the chance to enjoy your caviar, because these drinks alter its taste ...


Découvrir nos caviars français

Mets d'exception, découvrez "l'or noir" FAUCHON

Notre sélection de caviar

We make it a point of honor to promote French excellence through the quality of our caviar. For this, our sturgeons are raised in fish farms in Aquitaine, where their well-being is a top priority. Respect for the animal, the clarity of the water, traditional methods and know-how are essential criteria to guarantee the finesse and power of our caviars.

If Baeri caviars are commercially available from 3 months of aging, those we offer at Fauchon are all matured for 8 months. This careful ripening gives the eggs time to fully develop their fruity and iodized flavors, while preserving their unique texture.

The Beluga caviar from Fauchon is one of the most prestigious selections in the world. Its very large single grains, firm and with gray reflections, melt delicately under the palate, gradually revealing delicate flavors of a rare harmony. This exceptional taste experience is supported by a remarkable length in the mouth.