La bonne quantité de foie gras à prévoir par personne

The right amount of foie gras to plan for per person

Reading time: 3 à 4 minutes

How much foie gras should I plan for per person?

Foie gras, a symbol of the end-of-year celebrations, represents both a pleasure and a source of stress, especially when we don't know what quantities to provide for our guests .

This specialty made from ducks and geese is mainly consumed in winter, with family or friends, when the days get cooler. While there are many ways to consume foie gras, as a starter or main course, it remains difficult to estimate the ideal quantity of foie gras for our guests during the holidays.

In this article, Fauchon will answer all your questions about foie gras : what is the ideal quantity of foie gras to plan per person, as a starter or main course, but also what are the types of foie gras and how long can we keep them.

The quantity of foie gras as a starter and main course

What words do foie gras evoke for you? Generally speaking, foie gras inspires elegance, finesse , or even delicacy . Two types of foie gras are present in our baskets, these are obviously goose foie gras and duck foie gras and since 2006, the product has even been part of the French cultural and gastronomic heritage. Generally speaking, foie gras can be eaten half-cooked or whole , depending on your preferences.

While chefs in top restaurants often give us the impression that everything is simple in the kitchen, one thing is certain: judging the right amount of whole or semi-cooked foie gras to put on toast or in a dish is never easy . The size of a piece of foie gras often varies, ranging from approximately 200 to 350 grams, without forgetting that each guest you invite does not always eat the same amount of foie gras . However, even if some will be more greedy than others, the secret is to plan a quantity that will satisfy all your guests, whether as a starter or a main course.

The quantity of foie gras as a starter

As a starter, plan on between 60 and 80 grams of foie gras (for the most generous and greedy among us!).

To accompany your foie gras as a starter, it is best to serve it with fresh fruit such as fig or pear. Other options are available to you for eating foie gras, for example with a fruit compote, a marmalade or even a chutney. One of the best accompaniments remains fig or mango chutney , but you are free to discover new flavors. Remember that foie gras pairs perfectly with sweet dishes.

The amount of foie gras in the main course

For a meal, plan on between 110 and 130 grams , for those who are most fond of foie gras.

When foie gras is served as a main course, several accompaniments can enhance its taste: it is possible to pan-fry the foie gras to eat it hot, but you can also add dried fruits or fresh fruits (such as grapes, apples or pears), or even an onion confit to keep a sweet and light taste in the mouth.

If you want to feel the pronounced side of foie gras , it is quite possible to cook it by preparing a semi-cooked foie gras, accompanied by Sarladaise potatoes , or of course to place a slice on country bread or even rye bread. And before cutting the foie gras, it is important to always dip the blade of your knife in hot water , in order to have a more precise and clean cut of each portion.

Whole and semi-cooked foie gras: what’s the difference?

As mentioned above, whole foie gras and semi-cooked foie gras have two different cooking methods . The main difference is the temperature , and therefore the texture. Whole foie gras should be cooked between 90 and 110°C in a bain-marie , unlike semi-cooked foie gras, which should be cooked between 70 and 85°C. These two cooking processes will therefore have an impact on the texture: whole foie gras has a firmer texture, while semi-cooked foie gras will be more tender and stronger in the mouth.

How long can foie gras be kept?

Imagine the following situation: it's December 31st, New Year's Eve, and your guests are supposed to arrive in an hour . You have some foie gras left in the refrigerator from 6 days ago, but you don't know if the foie gras is still good or not . Fauchon gives you the answer today: foie gras can be kept in the refrigerator for about fifteen days , when it is cooked . Raw foie gras, on the other hand, can be kept for a shorter time in the refrigerator, about 1 week .

If you want to freeze your foie gras, you can do that too. Just make sure to place it in the refrigerator 24 hours before consuming it , so that the foie gras can defrost while retaining its flavor.

Everything you need to know about foie gras

If you want to know more about wine and foie gras pairings, Fauchon foie gras types, seasonings, or if you simply have other questions on the subject, find all our advice on how to enjoy foie gras. Now you know all the secrets hidden in foie gras… But be careful not to forget the golden rule: never spread your foie gras.


Les foies gras FAUCHON

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To preserve the freshness and quality of your foie gras, Fauchon offers a few tips. It should be stored in the refrigerator between 2°C and 4°C, and eaten within 3 days of opening. It's best to keep the product in its original packaging to preserve all its aromas.

Fauchon offers an exquisite selection of foie gras to satisfy every taste. Discover the timeless Foie Gras de Canard Entier from free-range ducks, prepared with the greatest care by hand. Handcrafted in the Landes region of France, this quality product with its frank taste and musky aroma is sure to delight gourmets. Opt for a touch of boldness with Foie Gras d'Oie Entier Recette d'Alsace truffé à 5%, an exceptional product in which Périgord black truffles are delicately introduced to subtly enhance the spicy notes of the Foie gras. Perfectly matched and long on the palate, let yourself be surprised by the exceptional flavors of Fauchon products.

Gift sets of sweet and savory marvels are the ideal gift for any celebration. From delicatessen products to spirits, find the perfect gift or create your own personalized box.

A masterpiece of French gastronomy, foie gras is a subtle delight. Served on toast or lightly toasted brioche, this gastronomic delicacy will reveal all its aromas and smoothness. Foie gras is best served at room temperature, 30 to 50 minutes before serving, to reveal its full potential.