
Discover the FAUCHON house through its Mag space which will allow you to discover the FAUCHON identity through its articles dedicated to their expertise, their emblematic recipes, their news, their excellent products but also to inform about the services offered by the Parisian emblem.

Our articles

Recette Tomate d’amour à la chair de Tourteau en gelée d’hibiscus
Recipe for Tomato of Love with Crab Flesh in Hibiscus Jelly

A refined starter, ideal for awakening the taste buds with a touch of freshness and elegance.

Recette Cocktail « Hors Piste »
“Off-Piste” Cocktail Recipe

Each sip is an invitation to rediscover the holiday spirit, with a touch of boldness and indulgence, enhanced by gold leaf and dried lemon.

Recette Ceviche de Daurade au Thé vert Citron & Gingembre
Recipe for Sea Bream Ceviche with Green Tea, Lemon & Ginger

It is a creation where the simplicity of flavors meets the audacity of associations.

Recette blanquette de veau truffée et riz pilaf
Recipe for truffled veal blanquette and pilaf rice

Every detail in the preparation of a truffled veal blanquette is a symphony of flavors.

Recette salade de fraises au thé
Strawberry Tea Salad Recipe

The strawberry salad, with its fresh tea syrup, evokes the lightness of a Parisian summer.

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Recette Cocktail de Pâques FAUCHON
FAUCHON Easter Cocktail Recipe

Served in a Signature egg, this mocktail celebrates the marriage of tradition and audacity, an explosion of refined flavors and textures.

Recette de la brandade de cabillaud estragon
Recipe for cod and tarragon brandade

Discover a gourmet and refined revisit of cod brandade by Sébastien Monceaux.

Velouté de potimarron, châtaignes et œuf mollet
Creamy pumpkin soup with chestnuts and soft-boiled egg

A perfect dish for an elegant starter, full of sweet and generous flavors.

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“Christmas Magic” Mocktail Recipe

It perfectly embodies the holiday spirit in a tropical and gourmet version.

Riz au lait coco, compote de rhubarbe à la vanille et crumble au poivre de Timut
Coconut rice pudding, vanilla rhubarb compote and Timut pepper crumble

Discover step by step the recipe for coconut rice pudding, vanilla rhubarb compote and Timut pepper crumble from our Executive Chef, Sébastien Monceaux.

Recette de riso aux truffes
Truffle riso recipe

Each plate, decorated with parmesan shavings and chervil sprigs, is an ode to delicacy and gastronomy.

Recette de la tarte aux fraises tomates mozzarella
Strawberry Tomato Mozzarella Tart Recipe

This tart is a true exploration of flavors, where the pepper in the sweet pastry brings a subtle warmth, while the spiced almond cream enriches each bite.

Recette de la tarte tatin
Tarte Tatin recipe

This dessert is a true symphony of flavors and textures, where each component is meticulously prepared to create a perfect balance.