Fauchon The Mag

Discover the FAUCHON house through its Mag space which will allow you to discover the FAUCHON identity through its articles dedicated to their expertise, their emblematic recipes, their news, their excellent products but also to inform about the services offered by the Parisian emblem.

Our articles

Recette du smoothie Fraise  au sirop de thé Mélange FAUCHON
Recipe for Strawberry smoothie with FAUCHON tea syrup blend

In this smoothie, the marriage of fresh fruit and tea syrup reveals a perfect harmony.

Recette Tomate d’amour à la chair de Tourteau en gelée d’hibiscus
Recipe for Tomato of Love with Crab Flesh in Hibiscus Jelly

A refined starter, ideal for awakening the taste buds with a touch of freshness and elegance.

5 utilisations de l'huile d'olive pour une cuisine réussie
5 utilisations de l'huile d'olive pour une cuisine réussie

L’huile d’olive, un « or vert » aux innombrables bienfaits… Rien de tel pour sublimer vos mets et salades, donner du goût à vos viandes et poissons ou encore remplacer le beurre dans la cuisson de vos gâteaux. Dans cet article, on vous propose 5 utilisations de l’huile d’olive pour une ...

Champagne et crémant : quelles différences ?
Champagne et crémant : quelles différences ?

Champagne, ou crémant ? Comment différencier ces deux types de vin que nous consommons souvent au détour d’un repas ou d’une fête ? Ces bulles qui apportent du pétillant à toutes les réunions entre amis, souvent difficiles à différencier, ont chacune leur histoire, notamment selon le li...

Quel chocolat pour accompagner le café ? Nos conseils
Which chocolate to accompany coffee? Our advice

Coffee, an essential end-of-meal drink, reaches its peak when accompanied by excellent quality chocolate.

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5 recettes à base de confiture crème de marrons
5 recipes with chestnut cream jam

Chestnut cream (or chestnut jam) is a very popular dish that can be easily incorporated into many recipes.

Country terrine: what are its origins and how is it made?

Country terrine is a staple of French cuisine, appreciated for its richness of flavors and rustic texture.

How to organize a family New Year's Eve party

New Year's Eve is an important celebratory milestone, enjoyed by parents and children alike, marking the transition to a new year full of hope and promise.

Create your own boxes for exceptional gifts

Personalize your box
Les accessoires indispensables pour préparer son thé
The essential accessories for preparing your tea

Tasting tea is a special moment that deserves to be carefully prepared, just as preparing coffee requires a machine and a filter, tea requires its infuser and other appropriate utensils.

Which champagne to taste with chocolate?

Tasting champagne with chocolate is a unique gourmet pleasure that awakens the senses and offers an unparalleled harmony of flavors.

Why offer a box of champagne at Christmas?

Finding the perfect Christmas gift can be a challenge, as it's often difficult to find a present that will please everyone, whether they're friends, family members or colleagues.

Offering Chocolate as a Corporate Gift

Offering chocolate in a company is a refined and personalized attention, perfect for strengthening ties with employees and customers, while conveying a high-end and positive brand image.

Everything you need to know about wine and chocolate pairings

For the perfect chocolate and wine pairing, combine the power of dark chocolate with a sweet wine, the sweetness of milk chocolate with a fruity wine, and the subtlety of white chocolate with a dry wine.